🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“ Just as the science and art of agriculture depend upon chemistry and botany, so the art of education depends upon physiology and psychology” ~ By Edward Thorndike

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The scientific community should work as hard as possible to address major issues that affect our everyday lives such as climate change, infectious diseases and counterterrorism; in particular, ‘clean energy’ research deserves far higher priority. And science and technology are the prime routes to tackling these issues” ~ By Martin Rees

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship” ~ By Robert A. Heinlein

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The idea that Area 51 was this test facility working to move science and technology faster and further than any other nation is true and is one of the great hallmarks of Area 51. There are other areas of the base that are controversial – but they both exist simultaneously – out there in the…

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The dream for many millennial women is to make a difference as social or political entrepreneurs. They are using the social media and marketing tools they have mastered to empower less fortunate women and direct them onto career tracks that women have traditionally avoided, like science and technology” ~ By Gail Sheehy

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The strength of self-reliance and self-development is that of science and technology, and the shortcut to implementing the five-year strategy is to give importance and precedence to science and technology” ~ By Kim Jong-un

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“Innovations in science and technology are the engines of the 21st-century economy; if you care about the wealth and health of your nation tomorrow, then you’d better rethink how you allocate taxes to fund science. The federal budget needs to recognize this” ~ By Neil deGrasse Tyson

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“There may be babblers, wholly ignorant of mathematics, who dare to condemn my hypothesis, upon the authority of some part of the Bible twisted to suit their purpose. I value them not, and scorn their unfounded judgment.” ~ By Nicolaus Copernicus