NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Will Launch in Less Than a Month – 7 Things to Know

NASA’s next rover to the Red Planet is slated to launch no earlier than July 30. These highlights will get you up to speed on the ambitious mission. In less than a month, NASA expects to launch the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Loaded with scientific instruments, advanced computational capabilities for landing, and other…


Though the penumbral lunar eclipse was not visible over India on Sunday, the myths surrounding its occurrence instilled fears in a few Bengalureans. When a solar eclipse occurred on June 10 lasting for about three hours, the city’s streets were empty as many stayed indoors fearing that it would be harmful to them. On Sunday…

Carbon Nanotube Transistor Advance Paves the Way for 3D Microprocessors

Carbon Nanotube Transistors Make the Leap From Lab to Factory Floor Carbon nanotube transistors are a step closer to commercial reality, now that MITresearchers have demonstrated that the devices can be made swiftly in commercial facilities, with the same equipment used to manufacture the silicon-based transistors that are the backbone of today’s computing industry. Carbon nanotube…