#INTERESTING…Scientists teach mice to smell an odour that doesn’t exist….

——-Latest Research—— Scientists have taught mice to smell an odour that doesn’t exist in a study to show how the brain identifies different scents. In experiments on mice, US neuroscientists generated an electrical signature that was perceived as an odour in the brain’s smell-processing centre, the olfactory bulb. Because the odour-simulating signal was handmade, researchers…

#INFINITIES OF SCIENCE…… Monster black hole found in the early universe

Astronomers have discovered the second-most distant quasar ever found using three Maunakea Observatories in Hawai’i: W. M. Keck Observatory, the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab, and the University of Hawai’i-owned United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). It is the first quasar to receive an indigenous Hawaiian name, Poniua’ena, which means “unseen spinning source…

Ever Wondered Why Some People Forget Familiar Names at Times?

The study which has implications for the treatment of memory problems associated with Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, was performed in patients who were already undergoing brain surgery for treatment of their seizures. Most of us know that feeling of trying to retrieve a memory that does not come right away and neuroscientists have now…

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The rich diversity of chemical behaviour of different elements can be traced to the difference in the internal structure of atoms of these elements, Similarly, The rich diversity of human behaviour of different persons can be traced to the difference in the internal structure of kindness and generosity of these persons” ~ Self Written ~…

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“If you come from mathematics, as I do, you realize that there are many problems, even classical problems, which cannot be solved by computation alone” ~ By Roger Penrose

Carbon Nanotube Transistor Advance Paves the Way for 3D Microprocessors

Carbon Nanotube Transistors Make the Leap From Lab to Factory Floor Carbon nanotube transistors are a step closer to commercial reality, now that MITresearchers have demonstrated that the devices can be made swiftly in commercial facilities, with the same equipment used to manufacture the silicon-based transistors that are the backbone of today’s computing industry. Carbon nanotube…