Earth, over its 4.5 billion year history gone through major extinction. But there are some animal which survive those extinction and continue there existence on earth. There are creatures on Earth that make the existence of humans (44,000 years) little more than a comparative blip on the timeline of the planet’s eukaryotic history. Today we…

Eyes send an unexpected signal to the brain;

For decades, biology textbooks have stated that eyes communicate with the brain exclusively through one type of signaling pathway. But a new discovery shows that some retinal neurons take a road less traveled. New research, led by Northwestern University, has found that a subset of retinal neurons sends inhibitory signals to the brain. Before, researchers…

🌞 Today’s Motivation ⏲️

“The scientific community should work as hard as possible to address major issues that affect our everyday lives such as climate change, infectious diseases and counterterrorism; in particular, ‘clean energy’ research deserves far higher priority. And science and technology are the prime routes to tackling these issues” ~ By Martin Rees