T10L: Top ten things you can do in LOCKDOWN to make it productive😎

1. Learn a Language.

Remember all those times you said you’d learn Italian, Spanish or French but just couldn’t find a spare minute? Here’s your chance. With a wide selection of YouTube videos and online tutorials at your disposal, why not use this time to learn a completely new language with Duolingo?

Download DUO LINGO

2.Organise your wardrobe.

Most of us have at least one dress that we know we’ll never wear again or a pair of jeans that just don’t fit the way they used to. It’s time to declutter your wardrobe and get rid of those sad pieces that no longer see the light of day. Either pass them onto friends and family, donate them to charity or at the very least, find your nearest clothing bank and recycle.

3. Learn to play an instrument.

Dust off that keyboard you got for Christmas last year, re-tune that guitar you’ve had for god knows how long and begin to fill your days with the sound of music. With so much free time, it’s never been easier to pick up a new skill. 

4. Update your CV and professional accounts.

Before lockdown, the idea of updating your CV, cover letter or LinkedIn profile might not have been very high up on your priority list. Rather than putting it off any longer, why not give all of your professional documents and accounts a total makeover? Use this present period to work towards an even brighter future. 

5. Write a novel

The idea of writing a novel is one which can often seem daunting. How many of us have opened Word, stared at a blank page for a while and then admitted defeat? Enough is enough. Writing can be an incredibly therapeutic practice and one which can help to pass the time. Who knows, you might even be the next J.K. Rowling? 

6. Join a blog (you are watching best)[vaigyanik lok]

You can never go wrong with writing a blog. Whether you’re using it as an online writing portfolio, a space to share your passions or as an opportunity to try something new, it’s time to get those creative juices flowing. 

7. Get FIT (exercise).

Missing the gym? Working out at home can be just as beneficial for both your mind and body. Why not try out different types of workouts over the course of the next few weeks and find that workout that really works for you. 

8. Learn to code.

In an increasingly digital age, the ability to code can put you at a major advantage. Ditch those technophobic tendencies and teach yourself how to master this highly sought after skill. 

9. Learn Calligraphy or improve your hand-writing.

In an increasingly digital age, the ability to code can put you at a major advantage. Ditch those technophobic tendencies and teach yourself how to master this highly sought after skill. 

10. Do MEDITATION, to increase concentration.

Disclaimer- this is performed before lockdown, so meditation individual

These days, most fitness brands have a component of mindfulness meditation in their regimes. Prayers and meditation give a spiritual foundation to our day. Encourage children, but don’t force these activities on them. There are several excellent meditation resources, both online and offline. Even a few minutes of meditation calms your mind. However, don’t expect miraculous changes.

If you are following a particular meditation teacher or tradition, their structured programmes will give you motivation. Remember, even washing dishes can be a mindful exercise. If you do household chores with joy and awareness, it becomes a meditation exercise. Gardening combines mindfulness with physical activity, so does yoga.

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