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Hello friends,

Today, I am not going to talk about ‘SCIENCE’, but about “LIFE”. So, keep on reading…

All of us in this century want to be successful, being rich, being popular, having fame. So, let’s discuss in detail Practically…..

=> There are 3 ways in which different people achieve their dreams or life goals.

1st way_Some work truly very hard to get closer and closer to their goals to achieve them.
2nd way_Some try to find many different ways to achieve their goals.
3rd way_Some leave it on GOD to help them reach their goals.

Among these 3 ways, let’s talk about the 3rd way, i.e., about those people who leave it on god to help them reach their goals.
So, some of us might be believing that GOD is not going to help us while, some of us might be believing that GOD is going to help us in every situation and even some of us might be thinking that GOD only help those who help themselves, and even some of us might be thinking that there is no GOD. Okay!!! So, this just depends on our beliefs and our nurturing in childhood that what we have listened about GOD from others.

But, my dear friends, just think over it once atleast. If we are able to help ourselves, then why to look for any other like GOD.Here, I am not talking of belief in GOD, but, I am talking about ‘Belief In Ourselves’.

Now, let’s talk about 1st way ,i.e., about those people who work truly very hard to get closer and closer to their goals to achieve them. Among them, there are again 2 kinds of people:-

(a) Those who are really concerned about reaching their goals.
(b) Those who are just travelling in the rail of others’ goals.

Talking about those who are just travelling in the rail of others’ goals, these people might become more successful than those whose rail they are travelling in, but, they will never get satisfaction. There would be no meaning of Life left to them.
Talking about those who are really concerned about reaching their goals, these people are going to be definitely achieving thier goals….. Because, there is nothing that every person can’t do…. The only thing required is ‘TRUE DEDICATION’…And I can prove that…

Proof:- Suppose that you are intrested in becoming engineer…and if you are greatly concerned about your career, then you will definitely do excellence.. But…. Think of a situation that there is no job rather than Banking… Then, you will be doing that job only and even in this field you will do excellence… The only thing I mean that, “EACH & EVERY PERSON CAN DO ANYTHING, ONLY THE TRUE VISION IS REQUIRED”…

Now, let’s talk about the 2nd way, i.e., about those who try to find many different and easier ways to achieve their goals….

Inshort, there is one and only one way, to do something in a very most appropriate and the very best manner…even if that way is not discovered yet….

I mean, to achieve your goals in a very easy manner, always try to look for different ways…. but, it depends upon you how easy you want your path to be…

In last, I just want to tell, that we don’t know whether we will have another life or not..

So, try to do something in your life, for which you will be remembered for centuries….

No person is perfect in any subject…..
Let me show this with an example….
Once, Einstein went to a function where famous personalities and other eminent scientists were also present…they all were praising Einstein for his works… Suddenly, a girl came to him and asked him just a simple question( that a primary student can easily answer). But you would not believe that Einstein took too much time to answer this, and even after that, his answer was wrong… This is due the reason, that Einstein, in his whole life was busy in solving highly complex theories and his curiosities, that he hadn’t time for simple things that others can easily do….

FOR SCIENCE ASPIRANTS, I want to say something…..

SCIENCE is not a way to get money. This is not the true meaning of SCIENCE…Science is for the humanity, by the humanity and of the humanity…Do something for which the world will remember your name… What about money.. Afer death, money is worthless…

Non-Scientifically saying,

According to Newton’s 3rd Law Of Motion, Each and Every Action has an Equal and Opposite Reaction…

But, In Human Life, Each and Every Action should be done in such a manner that it would show the exact results that one is looking for… This could take time, but…. will definitely come true one day……


#Edited By:- NKtech



One Comment Add yours

  1. Scienceguru says:

    Your thoughts inspired me today a lot….


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