How Close We Are In Making Covid-19 Vaccine..

As COVID-19 has rapidly spread around the world there has been a mad scramble to find a vaccine.

In the UK a potential coronavirus vaccine being developed at the University of Oxward will begin human trials from Thursday, Matt Hancock, the Health Secretary, has said “throwing everything at” the country’s efforts to create a Covid-19 vaccine.

Mr Hancock pledged £20 million of funding for the Oxford project, and £22.5 million for clinical trials of another prototype at Imperial College London. 

Mr Hancock said: “The UK is at the front of the global effort. “We have put more money than any other country into a global search for a vaccine and, for all the efforts around the world, two of the leading vaccine developments are taking place here at home – at Oxford and Imperial.

“We have put more money than any other country into a global search for a vaccine and, for all the efforts around the world, two of the leading vaccine developments are taking place here at home – at Oxford and Imperial.

“Both of these promising projects are making rapid progress and I’ve told the scientists leading them we will do everything in our power to support.”

Human Trials Start In UK..

Work on the vaccine, developed by clinical teams at the University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute and Oxford Vaccine Group, began in January.

Now a study involving up to 510 healthy volunteers between 18 and 55 is to get under way in Oxford and Southampton, with three further sites likely to be added.

The UK will join only the US – with two studies – and China, in beginning human trials.

UK Vaccine Taskforce:-

On April 17, the government launched a taskforce designed to “rapidly develop a coronavirus vaccine”, as well as scale up manufacturing so it can be quickly produced and delivered in mass quantities.

It will be led by Sir Patrick Vallance and Professor Jonathan van Tam, the deputy chief medical officer, and members will include AstraZeneca and the Wellcome Trust.

So Just Hope For The Best.. Stay Strong..Stay Home, Stay Safe😃


Edited By:- Nktech(Chairman-cum-Founder)

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Science Elbert says:

    Nice but you can collect some more information


  2. sciencelover007 says:

    Nice one..hope the tests be successful

    Liked by 2 people

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